Sinus Drainage Bothering You?
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Sinus drainage symptoms are very common in the adult population and there may be many contributing causes of the problem.
Many people do not like to consume liquids after 7 or 8 PM because they have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. This is especially true as we get older. It is common for people in this situation to be given all kinds of prescription medications or to take many non-prescription medicines for their “sinus drainage treatment” or their chronic “sinus infection”. None of these are usually helpful and in fact may actually act to worsen symptoms of sinus drainage by thickening the already too thick secretions. If they can be convinced for at least a few nights, to drink enough of the right kind of fluids at the right times, their “sinus drainage” will be dramatically improve or may be relieved.
Symptoms of acute or chronic sinus drainage may be secondary to inflammation such as that produced by viral or bacterial infections of the nose and throat or that produced by esophageal reflux. The inflammation triggers increase in the quantity and frequently thickness of these secretions. In other situations, such as an allergic attack or with exposure to irritating fumes or dust, the mucous glands seem to increase the flow of mucus to try to wash away the irritation thus producing excessive sinus drainage. Here again, take stock of your fluid intake and be sure you are drinking the needed amounts of fluid and even increase some to thin out the thickened secretions.
But how can a person determine if he or she is drinking enough of the proper fluids at the right times to help stop sinus drainage, i.e., thin the secretions out so that they are no longer aware of the sinus drainage? In the absence of other medical conditions that may affect the function to the kidneys, simply observing the color of one’s urine is a simple means of making that determination, almost as effective as an expensive laboratory urine examination. If the urine is very pale in color, then it is generally dilute indicating that one is well hydrated. If it is dark in color, the opposite – one is not getting enough liquids.
If someone is consuming multiple vitamins and minerals regularly (that is a is a good idea ), then for 3 or 4 hour after taking the vitamins the urine is usually much more colored and dark. If one consumes more than 8 to 12 ounces of caffeinated or alcohol containing beverages daily, the urine will be pale but you may still be low on necessary fluids and thus continue to have symptoms of sinus drainage.
Dr. Gorden T McMurry http://www.YourDoctorOnDVDcom is a physician with over 30 years experience in the practice of medicine, seeing and treating patients on a daily basis. Through a series of informational DVD’s, The Guides To Healthy Living series, he is providing sound advice to people on health and life style issues to help them control, maintain and improve their health and well being. He developed the series for use in his practice and they were so successful that he decided to significantly expand the list of available titles and make them available to the public at large. You can contact Dr. McMurry at
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