Sinus Drops for Bad Breath
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The use of sinus drops for bad breath is a novel approach to an old problem. The theory behind this idea is that sinus problems, and the resulting constant drainage of mucus down the back of the throat, is a contributing factor to halitosis. Sinus drainage, often called post nasal drip, is rich in proteins - proteins found in inflammatory cells, sloughed off mucosal cells from the lining of the sinuses, blood cells, antibodies, and other things. And proteins are what bacteria in the back of the mouth need for nutrients: a group of bacteria that live on the back of the tongue, and other secluded oral locations, break down protein for food, and produce bad smelling sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.
When bad breath is associated with post nasal drip, tonsiloliths (tonsil stones) are often a problem as well. These are hard little accumulations of decaying material from the sinus drainage that lodge in the tonsils. They quickly become colonized by the bacteria from the back of the tongue - the same bacteria responsible for bad breath, and can be the source of a nasty odor. Treatment with sinus drops for bad breath, often in combination with other oral care products, is aimed at decreasing the numbers of bacteria and preventing the formation of tonsiloliths.
The very back of the mouth is the site of most of the problem. In that relatively small area, we have tonsils and adenoids, mucus draining from the sinuses, and many odor producing bacteria living primarily on the back part of the tongue. Conditions are perfect for the proliferation of the bacteria and a buildup of waste materials in the form of tonsil stones. Oral preparations for treating bad breath may not adequately contact all the tissues in question - contact with the tonsils and the higher areas where the sinuses are draining is limited with these products. Sinus drops for bad breath, however, take the same route to the back of the throat that the drainage takes; thus, it provides for maximum contact with the affected areas and the troublesome bacteria.
It's recommended that sinus drops for bad breath be used in combination with other bad breath products. If you have tonsiloliths, this is even more strongly advised. A daily program of good oral hygiene with an appropriate toothpaste, mouthwash, regular tongue cleaning, and, of course, sinus drops, is often very effective.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Treatment for Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.
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