Cure Sinus In 5 Minutes

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sinus Infection Treatment- Without Antibiotics?

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A gentleman named Jason H. recounted to me recently how he managed to treat a sinus infection without the use of antibiotics. Jason has a long history of 15 years of chronic sinus problems, and he has undergone 4 sinus surgeries. He is happy about his last operation to remove polyps and fix a deviated septum, and he has also begun using pulsating nasal irrigation with the Grossan Hydro Pulse® device. Nonetheless, he recently managed to come down with another sinus infection. Concerned that he has taken too many antibiotics in his life, he decided to attack the problem using the nasal irrigator. At this point a disclaimer is in order. Neither Jason nor the author of this article are doctors or medical professionals, we are both just sinus sufferers. As such neither of us is qualified to offer medical advice. I would personally urge anyone with a sinus infection, particularly those with chronic problems, to see an ENT specialist.

In any case Jason used his nasal irrigation system 6 times on the day he realized he had an infection, which is a lot, but the next day he felt a lot better. He continued to use the system once or twice a day thereafter, as he normally would, and after three or four days he felt like he was completely over the problem. It was the first time he had ever dealt with a sinus infection without resorting to the use of antibiotics.

I personally know it is possible for the body to heal itself with sinus infections although the process can be long and painful. When I was much younger I used to say “when I get a cold it is really a lulu”, and I would typically be sick for 2 to 3 weeks. It wasn’t unusual for me to be bedridden for 2-4 days with severe headaches and nasal discharge and tearing in the eyes during that period as well. Of course colds don’t last that long, and I now know that what I was experiencing was a sinus infection.

Clearly the body will eventually heal itself, but the healing process can be much faster using proper medications, such as antibiotics in this case. However, I too began to wonder if I was taking too many antibiotics after a number of years. At present I’m pleased to say that my nasal irrigator keeps the amount of antibiotics I use down to a low number.

The main benefit of pulsating nasal irrigation is for prevention, however, rather than treatment of sinus infections that have already taken hold, as Jason used it. I’m personally coming to the conclusion that this procedure would benefit almost everybody. I used to be a person who would become sick fairly regularly, but now I almost never become ill. I’ve gone over 1 ½ years without a cold or sinus infection, and it only happened on that occasion because I was exhausted before a long overseas flight. At that point I simply could not hold the infection off. I sometimes hear about people who don’t have chronic sinusitis and who come down with colds, and this tends to surprise me. I used to be the one who got sick all the time, but now that is almost never the case. If I do feel a cold coming on I’ll use my nasal irrigator two or even three times a day for 1-2 days (I normally use it twice a day in any case). If I feel a possible infection coming on I’ll also take 5 mg of prednisone, and I normally also use a steroid spray, flonase, although there are a number of such products on the market. For about five years now this regimen has worked well for me. One needs to be careful with prednisone, however, as it can cause harmful side-effects. I use it sparingly, and my doctor says it is not an issue.

Once again, I would recommend that most people seek advice from their doctor when they begin to fall ill. People like Jason and I, who have long histories battling sinus infection, can tell when we have one, but that is not the case for most people. There is no doubt, however, that pulsating nasal irrigation with a saline solution is a huge help, and I’m convinced it would help lower the number of colds caught by most people, even those who do not have chronic sinus problems. And it can be used even for treatment of a sinus infection, as Jason did, although it might be best to try this under a doctor’s supervision.

Walt Ballenberger is founder of a resource web site for sinusitis sufferers like himself. For a free report entitled “Sinus Treatment Success Stories”, visit and click on the Free Report link. This resource can be of significant help to chronic sinus sufferers.

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    Most Common Symptoms of Sinus Infections

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    This kind of infections usually appears because of the obstruction of the nasal passages and sinus cavities due to the incapacity of the cillate cells to filter all foreign particles. The cill failure is mainly caused by air pollution and viral or bacterial multitude in the air we breathe.

    Knowing the signs and symptoms of a sinus infection is useful for understanding how it occurs and how it can be treated. The most common symptoms are:

    1. Facial pain and tenderness of the sinus area
    2. Headaches
    3. Colored and thick nasal drainage
    4. Bad breathe and cough
    5. Pain in the upper jaw and sore throat
    6. Swollen eye lids and sensitiveness to light
    7. General weakness

    Symptoms of the sinus infection depend on if the infection is acute or chronicle.

    In case of acute frontal sinusitis located above the eye region the most common encountered symptoms are painas in the forehead, fever and mucous nasal release. The mucus slips behind the internal nose down the throat and the patients sensation is of great pain while in a horizontal position; pains decrease when the person sits with the head upright.

    Maxillary acute sinusitis is localized in the cheekbones on one or both sides of the nostrils. The patients complains are pain in the cheekbones, pressure on the cheeks, redness, tenderness and swelling of the region. The pains worsen when the head is held upright and lessen while lying down. Other signs such as pain inside the cheekbones, pain under or around the eyes, pain around the upper teeth and nasal discharge.

    The etmoid sinusitis, located at the base of the nose right between the eyes, develops with nasal congestion and discharge, a feeling of pressure in the inner side of the eye or on the inner side of the nose. Also headaches localized on the temples on in the eyes region can appear; the sensation of pressure worsens while coughing, sneezing or lying down.

    Acute sphenoid sinusitis lies behind the ethmoid bone and behind the eyes. The particular symptoms are intense pain on top of the head or behind it, fever as sign for infection, nasal discharge; the pains intensify when binding forward and the patient develops sight problems as the inner pressure extends to the brain.

    The chronic frontal sinusitis evolves with constant but low intensity pains in the forehead area and major damages to the sinuses.

    The maxillary sinusitis as a chronic status develops by tooth pain, pressure around the eyes and a permanent discomfort. At night the patient complains of intense cough.

    In the ethmoid chronic condition the bad breathe and the sore throat persists. Clear symptoms of the disease are discomfort across the nose-bridge, permanent nasal discharge, and nasal congestion. The pains worsen while wearing eye glasses and during late mornings pains stretch to the other sinuses as well.

    In case of sphenoid chronic sinusitis the major symptom is low headaches with a permanent character.

    So, if you want to find out more about antibiotics for sinus infections or aven about sinus infection symptoms you should visit this link

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Headache

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    A sinus headache is usually caused by blocked sinuses or a sinus infection. This is due to thick mucous that blocks the nasal and sinus passages. The resulting headache may be difficult to get rid of. Continually taking medications can cause side effects and may be responsible for long-term damage of internal organs such as the liver.

    Here are some natural sinus headache remedies that you can try.

    Make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. As mucous thickens, it blocks the sinus and thus causing a headache. At the first signs of a sinus headache you should increase your water intake. If possible stick to clear liquids such as water and tea as these help irrigate the body quickly. You may not be drinking enough if your nose is stuffy. Keep a bottle of water with you and take small sips from it throughout the day. Dehydration can contribute to a headache.

    Sinus headaches are most common in dry weather because sinuses become dry and clogged. There are ways to increase the humidity in the air. You can either use a portable humidifier or boil some water on the stove to humidify the air. A common sinus headache remedy is to create a steam tent for your face. Lean over a pot of steaming water and place a towel over your head to help keep the steam in. Inhale the steam for 5 minutes at a time. This will help thin the mucous and relieve a sinus headache.

    Another sinus headache remedy is to apply a hot wet compress to the face. Wet a washcloth with hot water and fold to fit over the nose and cheeks, putting warmth directly over the sinus and nasal cavities. This will help loosen the mucous and ease the pressure of a sinus headache. You can use a cold compress on the forehead to help shrink the membranes and ease the pain of a headache. This is especially helpful at the onset of a headache and may lessen the severity.

    There are herbal remedies for sinus headache that can be just as effective. Some herbs can ease the pain associated with a sinus headache.

    Add peppermint or eucalyptus to boiling water and inhale the steam. This helps to immediately open up nasal passages and makes breathing easier.

    Grapeseed extract helps to ease sinus headache pain and shrink membranes.

    Feverfew contains substances that inhibit the release of mood hormones in the brain. For best results, use fresh feverfew. When this isn't available, consume as tea or in capsule form. Some doctors recommend taking feverfew with bay to prevent a sinus headache. You can often find this combination available in a health food store.

    Ginger has long been known to relieve and also to prevent headaches. It is anti-inflammatory and contains substances that help to relieve pain. Take in capsule form, according to directions.

    You may need to try several sinus headache remedies to find one that works for you. Most of the sinus headache home and herbal remedies mentioned above are safe and effective, without the negative side effects associated with drug medications.

    If you suffer from sinusitis, you surely know the pain and discomfort. There are 3 powerful natural ingredients for a sinus home remedy that can effectively get rid of a sinus infection. Find out how you can use this at-home remedy to cure your sinus infection within the next 24 hours at

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    Home Remedies For Sinus Infection

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    Sinus infections can be painful and for many they are a common occurrence. The medical cure for a sinus infection is often to treat it with antibiotics. However, these can have negative side effects and are not effective when taken too often. For these reasons it is helpful to try taking a home remedy for sinus infection. There are some easy sinus home remedies that you can try. These don't have the side effects of drug medications and can be even more effective in curing a sinus infection.

    Sinus infections usually set in after several days of having a cold or the flu. If you are prone to sinus infections try some preventative measures. As soon as you start to get a cold make sure that you drink plenty of water. Fluids will prevent mucous from becoming thick and keep the sinus cavities clear. Increase the humidity level in your home by using a portable humidifier or boil some water on the stove.

    Once you get a sinus infection start taking immediate action. Use a steam tent several times a day as needed. To make a steam tent boil a pot of water. Use a towel over your head and stand or sit with your head over the steam. The towel will help keep direct the steam into your nose and mouth. Be careful not to burn yourself. If your sinuses are completely blocked, add an herbal extract to the water. Eucalyptus and menthol help open up nasal passages and make breathing easier.

    Nasal irrigator can be used to help open up nasal cavities. It looks like small a teapot that uses warm water to irrigate and open up the sinuses. It can be found at most natural health food stores. Some people may find a nasal irrigator difficult to use but many with sinus problems have used it successfully. It is a natural home remedy for sinus infection.

    Herbs have been used for centuries as a sinus infection remedy. They can be safer and more effective alternatives to drug medications. Here are some common herbal remedies for sinus infection that can be easily found at any health food store.

    Echinacea – Taken internally, this ancient Chinese herb is known to help treat infections. It is available in capsule, tincture and tea. Do not take this herbal remedy for sinus if you are allergic to ragweed or other members of the aster family.

    Astragalus – Another ancient Chinese remedy that is taken orally, astragalus is effective in preventing and treating sinus infections. Available in the form of capsule and tincture, this is usually safe for children. For young children, check with the doctor before administering.

    Oregon Graperoot – The berberine in Oregon Graperoot acts as a natural antibiotic that can kill many types of bacteria. It is available in capsule form; follow the directions on the bottle. Do not take if you are pregnant.

    Lemon Balm – A good-tasting herb, lemon balm is a natural anti-virus, anti-bacteria fighting herb. It is calming and soothing, and commonly available as tea. You can drink up to 4 cups of tea per day.

    Sinus home remedies can be used alone or in different combinations as needed. You may need to experiment with various sinus home remedies to find one that works best for you.

    If you suffer from sinusitis, you surely know the pain and discomfort. There are 3 powerful natural ingredients for a sinus home remedy that can effectively get rid of a sinus infection. Find out how you can use this at-home remedy to cure your sinus infection within the next 24 hours at

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    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Observing and Treating Sinus Infections

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    The human nose is the first external filter of the through nasal passages and sinus cavities incoming air. The lining connecting nasal passages and sinus cavities contains a so called cilliar layer, a hair like cell extremity with the role of catching fluids and bacteria and draining them into the nasal passage.

    Because of air pollution and different kind of allergies affecting the human body, the ciliar activity is slowed down and doesn’t get to eliminate all the incoming damaging particles. These remaining pieces get stuck in the sinus cavities causing inflammation and infection.

    This respiratory disorder affects the entire state of the body’s health and therefore must be efficiently and as soon as possible treated. A right medication given at the right time can highly increase the patients comfort and hasten the healing process.

    The sinus infection has several treatment methods that must be adapted to every patient’s personal needs. If properly treated in the hospital as well as in home care, the risk of relapse number and the severity control can be easily deled with. Most important treatment targets are minimizing the inflammation in the sinuses and in nasal passages, combating the infection, keeping the sinuses open and permitting the sinus drainage.

    The allergies play an important role in sinus infections, together with an exaggerate number of viruses and bacteria; the cills cannot face an overwhelming situation and cannot eliminate the high amount of damaging particles. Also allergies are known to lead to a suppression of the immune system, enabling the infection to localize in the sinuses.

    The mucous inflammation in the nose and sinuses impede the drainage of foreign particles and the pressure in the sinus cavity increases giving the patient major headaches. That is why a beneficent medication must reduce the inflammation and free the respiratory ways. Such medication is the use of liquid or tablet-nasal decongestants and nasal sprays. Important drug producing brands assure an easier administration as the drugs are more expensive but also more efficient. The release of the active products contained is slower and therefore the administration can be rarer.

    Generics are less expensive drugs and must be administered more frequently but the dense use of them can cause resistance and lower efficiency.

    Usually nasal sprays are more effective than oral decongestants as they are topic administered on the ill area but on long-term period their efficiency is not so high. Medications for washing out bacteria from the respiratory in sinus system are approachable as well.

    Patients undergoing home care must understand a good hydration is everything; they must drink high amounts of water and herbal teas. A 2-4 times a day inhalation of steam will also be helpful by hydrating and soaking the mucosa. The procedure is easy: boil mentholated products in a bowl, cover your head with a towel and for about 10 minutes breathe in the outgoing steam.

    For the patients undergoing all sorts of medications and ant biotherapies without success, the only way for cure might be surgery. By surgical means the infection is annihilated, the nasal passages are cleared and the drainage is lightened.

    So, if you want to find out more about home remedies for sinus infection or even about sinus infection you should visit this link

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    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Natural Cure For Sinus Infection

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    Sinus infections can be painful and uncomfortable. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat sinus infections but they are not the recommended long term solutions. I suffer from sinusitis and found that natural sinus remedies work best for me.

    Here are some you can try.

    First, drink plenty of water and other liquids. Mucous can thicken but keeping hydrated can help to thin the mucous. Drink water, tea or other clear beverages.

    Stay away from dairy products. Some doctors believe that dairy products, including milk, cheese and even ice cream, may actually cause more mucous to form. Try avoiding these products when you have a sinus infection.

    Try to treat a cold as soon as you get it. Lingering colds may make conditions right for a sinus infection. Use zinc supplements to help shorten the life of a cold and get plenty of rest.

    Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants. These foods include berries, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, red grapes and spinach that help to boost the immune system and may prevent sinus infections.

    Try a steam treatment for your sinuses. Sinus infections can occur when mucous becomes thick and won't drain properly. Steam can help keep mucous loose and moving through the sinuses.

    Apply moist heat to the face to keep sinuses open. There are some heat packs available that can be warmed up easily in the microwave and held on the face as needed.

    Apply a cold compress to the forehead and sinus areas relieve a sinus headache. The coolness will help shrink the membranes and provide relief from sinus headache pain. For best results apply as soon as the headache starts.

    Take vitamin supplements to ensure your body is getting the proper nutrients daily. Potassium supplements will help dry up mucous.

    Add apple cider vinegar to your facial steam. You can also drink it diluted in water to help a sinus infection that is just starting. Some people report great results using this holistic cure for sinus infection.

    Use herbal remedies for a sinus infection. Herbal cures have been used for centuries and are safer and more effective than traditional medicines. Use eucalyptus or peppermint extract as an inhalant to clear sinus cavities. Either one can be added to a steam.

    To sleep better during bouts of sinus attack, drink a cup of tea before bed. Chamomile tea is particularly useful for calming the body and mind before bedtime.

    Try sinus irrigation. This is done using nasal irrigator that puts warm water into the sinuses. It can be found at most health food stores. Follow the directions on the box.

    Learn the signs of an impending sinus infection and take precautions to prevent it from becoming worse. A stuffy nose that won't seem to clear is a signal that mucous is thickening and is not moving. If left alone it may turn into a sinus infection.

    Talk to a holistic doctor or herbalist to get advice on treating specific sinus problem. There are many natural remedies to help fight a sinus infection without the use of prescription medication.

    Keep the use of drug medications to a minimum. They may have long-term negative effects on the body and tend to lose their effectiveness if taken too frequently. You may have to try several of the above-mentioned remedies to find the natural cure for your sinus infection.

    If you suffer from sinusitis, you surely know the pain and discomfort. There are 3 powerful natural ingredients for a sinus home remedy that can effectively get rid of a sinus infection. Find out how you can use this at-home remedy to cure your sinus infection within the next 24 hours at

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    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    Diagnosing And Treating Sinus Infections

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    If you consult a physician, he will mostly diagnose sinus diseases by a complete history of your signs and by examining your sinus area and the upper respiratory system. A simple but efficient way to diagnose sinus inflammation and infection is to exercise pressure on the forehead and cheek bones sinuses; it the area is sensitive, a positive diagnose may be established.

    Another method of diagnosis is introducing a light into the sinuses to look for inflammation; if the light doesn’t shine through, the sinuses are congested.

    Additional medical exams like CT-scan, MRI (magnetic resonance image) or an X-ray can be useful in case of an acute episode or in case of chronic symptoms. If the tests are not concluding, the doctor can ask a specialized check from the otorhinolaringologist, an ear, nose and throat specialist. He might perform a nasal endoscopy (rhynoscopy) using an optic fiber to see the sinuses and verify their anatomy and function. A sinus puncture can also help establish what kind of virus or bacteria is causing the sinus infection.

    Best methods of preventing sinus infections are avoiding all kind of flu or cold. If they have already occurred, rapid and adequate treatment must be applied. You can try the following methods to prevent apparition of colds:

    1. Annual immunization for Influenza
    2. Wash your hands after any contact with foreign objects
    3. Protect and stimulate your immune system by eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, antioxidants and intensive chemicals
    4. Reduce causes of stress in your life

    Treating sinus disorders must mainly goal the eradication of signs and symptoms of inflammation and infection. Inflammation can be annihilated by using different humidifiers and also by surgical means in rebel cases of sinusitis. The sinus infection requires anti biotherapy for the certain organism affecting the sinuses.

    Some diets can prevent, treat or shorten the cold or flu. Homeopathic methods can contribute together with the antibiotics to the resolution of the inflammation and infection. Herbal compounds can also stimulate your immune system. Still, every single herbal remedy has different actions according to the specific physiology of the body. A doctor must be asked before taking a home treatment of different compounds.

    A major improvement of sinus infection symptoms can occur after homeopathic cure or after a few therapeutic sessions of acupuncture. Acupuncture is especially recommended for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis.

    The nasal and sinus congestion might be reduced by using a humidifier or a nasal spray with saline content. Inhalations of steam 2-4 times per day can also easy your air circulation through the sinuses.

    So, if you want to find out more about sinus infection symptoms or aven about antibiotics for sinus infections you should visit this link

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    Sinus Drainage Bothering You?

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    Sinus drainage symptoms are very common in the adult population and there may be many contributing causes of the problem.

    Many people do not like to consume liquids after 7 or 8 PM because they have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. This is especially true as we get older. It is common for people in this situation to be given all kinds of prescription medications or to take many non-prescription medicines for their “sinus drainage treatment” or their chronic “sinus infection”. None of these are usually helpful and in fact may actually act to worsen symptoms of sinus drainage by thickening the already too thick secretions. If they can be convinced for at least a few nights, to drink enough of the right kind of fluids at the right times, their “sinus drainage” will be dramatically improve or may be relieved.

    Symptoms of acute or chronic sinus drainage may be secondary to inflammation such as that produced by viral or bacterial infections of the nose and throat or that produced by esophageal reflux. The inflammation triggers increase in the quantity and frequently thickness of these secretions. In other situations, such as an allergic attack or with exposure to irritating fumes or dust, the mucous glands seem to increase the flow of mucus to try to wash away the irritation thus producing excessive sinus drainage. Here again, take stock of your fluid intake and be sure you are drinking the needed amounts of fluid and even increase some to thin out the thickened secretions.

    But how can a person determine if he or she is drinking enough of the proper fluids at the right times to help stop sinus drainage, i.e., thin the secretions out so that they are no longer aware of the sinus drainage? In the absence of other medical conditions that may affect the function to the kidneys, simply observing the color of one’s urine is a simple means of making that determination, almost as effective as an expensive laboratory urine examination. If the urine is very pale in color, then it is generally dilute indicating that one is well hydrated. If it is dark in color, the opposite – one is not getting enough liquids.

    If someone is consuming multiple vitamins and minerals regularly (that is a is a good idea ), then for 3 or 4 hour after taking the vitamins the urine is usually much more colored and dark. If one consumes more than 8 to 12 ounces of caffeinated or alcohol containing beverages daily, the urine will be pale but you may still be low on necessary fluids and thus continue to have symptoms of sinus drainage.

    Dr. Gorden T McMurry http://www.YourDoctorOnDVDcom is a physician with over 30 years experience in the practice of medicine, seeing and treating patients on a daily basis. Through a series of informational DVD’s, The Guides To Healthy Living series, he is providing sound advice to people on health and life style issues to help them control, maintain and improve their health and well being. He developed the series for use in his practice and they were so successful that he decided to significantly expand the list of available titles and make them available to the public at large. You can contact Dr. McMurry at

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    Friday, September 21, 2007

    sinus infection symptoms

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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Seven Sinus Headache Solutions

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    1. Try steam inhalation as one of your sinus headache solutions. Steam inhalation is an excellent way of clearing all the spaces inside. If you have an infection too, steam inhalation can be very soothing. But there is a word of caution that I have to offer here, before you start undertaking this method as one of your sinus headache solutions,

    * Be very careful about you eyes. Remember that it is not advisable to expose your eyes to steam and so take care to protect your eyes when you are inhaling steam.

    * Another thing that you should be careful about is the temperature of the steam. You just need fairly hot water and not scorching hot, sizzling vapors of water. The object is not to scald your skin but to send some warm vapors up your nose, In fact steam inhalation is one of the most recommended sinus headache solutions.

    The point that you should bear in mind is that the sooner you inhale once you get the headache, the faster and more effective your pain relief for severe migraine, will be. If you wait for long hours before you inhale, you are going to have to inhale longer and at shorter intervals in order for the inhalation to be an effective treatment.

    2. Menthol vapors too can be used as one of your headaches home remedies. Yes these too can help towards clearing your sinuses. Try dissolving a balm or ointment in the hot water that has to be inhaled. Then inhale the vapors. This is the very best way to inhale menthol vapors.

    3. You can also make your own face pack at home using things that are 100% safe on your skin. One of the best face packs that I have come across that is extremely effective is a curd face pack.

    What you have to do is chill curd in the refrigerator for a few minutes. If you do not have curd, yogurt will do. Then all you have to do is apply a thin coating of this curd or yogurt on your forehead and on the region around your eyes.

    But you must be careful to see that it does not get into your eyes. When you feel that the first coat has dried up apply one more coat. Then lie down with your face up for five to ten minutes.

    4. Aerosols are bad for you, they can be triggers as well, so try not to use them as far as possible.

    5. Crying is not good for you. When you cry for even a minute or two there is very good chance that the tears will lead to a headache.

    If you feel you might start crying, try breathing deeply, or try to lie down and fall asleep. Some situations are unavoidable, but some, like sad movies, are easy to avoid. Use some common sense.

    6. Blow your nose often. Blowing your nose helps to get rid of the mucus that accumulates in the sinuses. It is better if you can blow your nose immediately after a steam inhalation.

    7. If you have an allergic condition like a dust allergy, stay away from dust as it can trigger an infection. Make sure you change your air filters regularly, and consider buying special filters for people with dust allergies. If you find it impossible to stay away from dust at least wear a gas mask.

    Mike Lindsey runs the site: Healthy Advice, Healthy News

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    Say Goodbye to Sinus Headaches

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    A sinus headache usually occurs as a result of sinusitis, an infection causing the swelling and inflammation of the membranes that line the sinuses. These types of headaches though, are often confused with migraines or tension headaches. Changes in pressure are what ultimately initiates the sinus aggravation and if untreated the headache is what follows.

    The sinus headache could have one or several triggers, including colds; allergies to mold, dust or pollen; bacterial or fungal infections; problems with the immune system; or structural problems of the nasal cavity. People who suffer with asthma, have nasal growths or polyps, or have a disorder that affects the way mucus moves within the respiratory system, such as cystic fibrosis, may be at higher risk to experience sinus headaches.

    There are two types of sinusitis, chronic and acute. Chronic sinusitis affects nearly 30 to 40 million Americans every year. It starts with the swelling of the mucous membranes in your sinuses and causes fluid to build up. This eventually plugs the cavity and stops normal mucus drainage. Acute sinusitis is the most common case and is usually cleared up in less than four weeks. If the condition recurs or lasts at least 12 consecutive weeks, the case is then chronic.

    Headaches associated with sinusitis usually have very distinctive signs and symptoms. The most common is pain and pressure across the forehead and cheeks and around the eyes. Nasal stuffiness and sometimes an achy feeling in the upper teeth also accompany this. Other symptoms include sore throat (which can be the result of a tonsil infection brought on by the dripping of infected mucus down the throat), fever and chills, facial swelling, yellow or green discharge, and fatigue.

    In most cases, the symptoms often appear as soon as you awaken and the pain may worsen if you lean forward or lie flat. This is a factor that often confuses the sinus headache with a migraine. Migraines may also be accompanied by some nasal symptoms like congestion, facial pressure and a watery, nasal discharge. Migraines though, will have throbbing pain and you will also experience sensitivity to light or sound.

    The key to treating sinus headaches is to reduce the swelling and inflammation of the sinuses. You also want to facilitate backed-up mucous drainage. For acute cases, there are steps that could be executed at home to provide relief:

    -Breathing moist air, whether through a humidifier, steam vaporizer or just a hot shower. This begins loosening the backed-up mucous for nasal drainage.

    -Alternating between a hot and cold compress. The hot compress should be applied for three minutes at a time and the cold compress for thirty seconds. This should be done 2-6 times a day.

    -Nasal irrigation through rinses and spray which help to shrink sinus membranes and increase drainage.

    -Over-the-counter medications with a primary ingredient of aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen or a combination of any decongestants and antihistamines may also provide relief. In difficult cases, nasal steroid sprays can be used.

    -Alternative medicine in the form of herbal treatments, such as the magnolia flower, angelica, mint, and chrysanthemum. These treatments though, have not been scientifically confirmed.

    In more severe, chronic cases of sinus headache, medically treatment may be needed. A CT scan may be administered to determine the extent of blockage, as well as an allergy test and desensitization. Antibiotics may be prescribed, but if they fail to provide any relief, an endoscopic or image-guided surgery may be necessary.

    Although some people are naturally at risk for experiencing a form of sinusitis, there are some preventive measures to keep cases from becoming chronic, good hygiene being one of the most effective. Other actions include carefully managing allergies and preventing asthma attacks, treating cold symptoms immediately, using a humidifier to keep nasal passages clear, and avoiding cigarette smoke.

    Learn more about sinus headaches and Frequent Headaches at

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    Top Sinus Infection Remedy

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    People have been suffering from sinus infections for many years. I know that my mother and grandmother suffered from them on a regular basis, especially when it was allergy season or when a storm system was moving through the area. I used to consider my mother to be a barometer of the weather, and when she would wake with a sinus infection my sisters and I would be upset, as if it were her fault that a storm system was coming and we would have to play inside that day. It wasn't until later, when I started to have the problems myself that I had real empathy for those that suffered from sinus infections. The question kept coming to my mind, is there really a sinus infection remedy that works?

    Sinus infections always seem to come on me about the same way. It always starts with a slow buildup of pressure behind the eyes, sometimes it would be accompanied by a headache, other times the headache would follow. It was always a miserable experience. I found that by using a sinus infection remedy or two before the infection set in that the infection would be much easier, or even not show up at all.

    The two things that I did for my sinus infection remedy was to use a netipot every day. This is a form of nasal irrigation that helps to keep the nasal passages clear of impurities and to keep the mucus moist. The other thing that I did was to make sure that I was taking a little bit of apple cider vinegar every day in order to thin out the mucous and keep it from allowing the infection to get a stronghold.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Ways to Cure Sinus Infection

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    I can remember the first time that I got a sinus infection. I have had headaches in the past, and I'm not stranger to sinus pressure, so when I first started to feel the effects of the infection it was all too familiar. I figured I would just take some aspirin and a nap until it passed. The problem was that it didn't pass, it just kept getting worse and worse until I felt as if my head was going to come apart at the seams. I didn't know how to cure sinus infection, so off to the doctors I went and got a prescription for some antibiotics. Sure it worked, but it also left my body open to some other problems, such as yeast infections and stronger strains of bacteria that the antibiotics could not kill.

    Perhaps you are feeling much the same. If you are suffering from a sinus infection, or perhaps chronic sinus infections then there is some possibility for relief. There are some natural ways to cure sinus infection that won't leave your body open to other problems the same way as prescription medicine and drug store potions will. One of the most effective ways that I found to cure sinus infection, or at least to stop them from coming back was to use a product that is known as a netipot. Neti is an ancient method of irrigating the nasal passages using water. Many people do this on a regular basis in order to help them with deep breathing, but it has a great effect on those of us who suffer from sinus infections. The netipot will also clear out the old junk that is impacted in your sinus passages, helping to keep them clear and moist so that the bacteria will not have a fertile breeding ground.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    Sinus Rinse

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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Top Sinus Infection Cures

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    They seem to come on without much warning. Sometimes you just wake up in the morning and know that it is going to be a bad day. The pressure behind the eyes and in the forehead, along with the headache tells you that you are in for a bout with your sinuses, and it is better if you just stay in bed. Sometimes you wake up feeling fine but as the day wears on you feel the pressure building in your sinuses and the headache start to appear and you know that you will be suffering from a sinus infection soon. With all the people that suffer from sinus infections is there really a sinus infection cure that works?

    There are plenty of things that you can pick up at the local drug store that will help you with the symptoms of sinus infections, but in my opinion that is simply masking over the problem by removing the symptoms. Sure you feel better, although probably a bit groggy, but the pain is gone. The real problem is that it will be back again. Wouldn't it be great if there were some sinus infection cures that helped for the long run? There are.

    Many people have looked to natural medicine for a cure for their sinus infections. There are many people who have suffered from chronic sinus infections for many years and have had enough of the drug store sinus infection cures and were ready for some real relief. I know that for me, personally, I used a netipot to irrigate my sinuses on a regular basis and noticed almost an immediate relief. Other people have had success with supplementation, as well as warm compresses to help to ease the pressure. It may seem simple, but if you do things the natural way, even when the sinus pressure is not evident, it will help you to ward off the infection that hurts so much.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    How to Treat Sinus Allergy?

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    When the allergen is represented by proteins found in foods, such as milk or peanuts, the gastrointestinal tract is the most likely to be affected. On the other hand, however, when the allergens are inhaled, there is a great chance that the symptoms that predominate are related to the respiratory tract. The allergic reaction may also have an effect on the sinuses, in many of the cases.

    Pollen is among the most frequent substance that causes sinus allergy. When this small particle is inhaled, the mucus from the sinuses obstructs it, so it does not enter the lungs. This action is taken because, as in the case of all the other allergies, the body believes that the pollen is a dangerous intruder. Because the mucus tends to accumulate in excess, it cannot be reabsorbed by the body. In this situation, an ideal environment for both virus and bacteria is created. As a result of this, the nose becomes obstructed. In addition, nasal infections may appear.

    The body tends to remember the measures in takes. Even though what has been described above may happen only once, the next time the body encounters the substance, the reaction repeats. In this situation, the condition is named allergy.

    Hay fever, which is a very serious health condition that has similar symptoms to the sinus allergy, gets unnoticed in most of the cases. Although at the beginning it resembles of ragweed and pollen allergy, it may have serious consequences. This is why it is vital to ask for medical advice as soon as the symptoms are observed. The doctor is able to distinguish hay fever from sinus allergy. In addition, the doctor is capable of prescribing the most suitable treatment.

    The major symptoms of sinus allergy are represented by repeated sneezing (which can happen between 8 and 10 times one after the other), itch of the nose and postnasal leak. Coughing is one of the symptoms that get noticed especially during the night. Tiredness is also one of the symptoms of many types of allergy, and sinus allergy makes no exception. However, people must know that fatigue is actually caused by the other symptoms.

    The treatment for sinus allergy typically resumes to decongestant medication and nasal sprays. These are utilized each time the person feels that the symptoms aggravate. The most important fact about this treatment is that the majority of the nasal sprays and decongestants are over-the-counter, which means that people do not need a medical prescription in order to buy them.

    Lawrence Shanks is a webmaster who has a series of websites dedicated to niche marketing, In particular the focus is on these annoying things that affect so many of us with blocked noses, runny eyes and constant sneezing and/or scratching. Summer is wonderful, but it brings it's share of problems to those of us who suffer from allergies. For more information go to I need to go now as I am about to sneeze again!!!

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    Friday, September 14, 2007

    Sinus Infection Home Remedies

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    Let me summarize here a wide range of sinus infection home remedies and give the best natural cures for sinus infection. Inflammation of the sinuses, sinus infection, sinus congestion, sinus pain, sinus pressure and blocked sinuses are common and often recurring problem for some people.

    Let's see my collection of the most effective and safe external and internal sinus home remedies:

    The best and may be the most simple natural cure for sinus infection is the old folk medicine:


    Mix 1-2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and gulp the mixture at once. Use it 3-4 times a day for 4-6 days. Improvement occurs often in 1 hour, latest in 1 day. If you don't notice any ease of the sinus infection after 2 days, stop taking the remedy.

    Another simple possibility is opening the Apple Cider Vinegar bottle and just inhale (through your nose) the vapour coming out of it. It is able to open up the sinus passages immediately. Don't overuse it, the acidic vapour may damage the mucus membrane.

    Most of the people desire warm onto the congested sinus area. You may use a hot-water bottle, an infrared lamp, a warm flannel or simple blow warm air from a hair-drier.


    To encourage drainage of mucus apply hot compresses or poultices to your sinuses. They are really old home remedies used by our grandmothers for sinus infection. You may use different aromatic oils (e.g.eucalyptus oil) in hot water, but the best natural cures are using GINGER (Zingiber officinalis) or black MUSTARD (Brassica nigra). Both stimulate the circulation strongly and help decongest stuffy nasal passages.


    Steam inhalation is an excellent natural cure to relieve sinus congestion and painful sinus pressure. It thins the mucus so that it can be expelled.

    If you are interested in more details about the treatment of sinus infections, click here to learn more!

    Christina Starkman is a medical doctor, a homeopathic doctor and an expert of home remedies. Christina's Home Remedies

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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Effective Sinus Infection Treatments

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    They seem to come on with out warning, the pressure behind the eyes, the buildup to a headache, sometimes with a cough, sometimes with a fever, but the uncomfortable feelings just seem to sweep over you. At times you wake up with one in the morning and you just know that the day is not going to be a good day. Sure there are some over the counter, as well as prescription medicines that can help you to cope with the sinus infection, but these usually do little more than cover over the problem and can even cause some problems of their own. Many more people have sought out natural sinus infection treatments and some have found relief from their problems at last. What are some of the natural sinus infection treatments that are available?

    There are many things that you can do to help to heal your sinus infections once and for all. Many people don't realize that the sinuses are actually empty cavities that go all the way up to behind your forehead. They help to cushion the front of the head from injury as well as keeping your skull from weighing too much. Another thing that most people do not know if that these cavities can trap mucous and other things in them for a long time and can even become impacted, but there is a way to clean them out effectively. By using a irrigation system, known as Neti, you can clean the cavities from this old debris and lessen the effect of any future sinus infections. There are other methods of treating your sinus infections as well, and you may want to explore those, but you should be using a netipot on a regular basis.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Sinus Problems? No Problem at All

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    We all know how it feels. We’ve felt the pain. The pressure builds until you think you can’t handle it any more. Your head feels like it’s twice its normal size and ready to burst. You know what I’m talking about: Sinus problems and sinus infections; whatever you’d like to call them. They can really make your life miserable for weeks at a time, especially during the winter months.

    Sinusitis, most commonly known as sinus infection, happens when the sinuses get blocked and mucus and air cannot flow freely through them. Here’s a statistic to think about: 30% of all people suffer from sinusitis at least once a year. Put that in perspective and that means about 1.8 billion people suffer from one sinus infection or another during the year. This includes those who suffer short term (acute: 1-3 weeks), long term (chronic: 3-8 weeks) and recurrent (multiple times throughout the year) sinus problems.

    Sinus infection symptoms can hit you in a number of ways. They include:

    • Fever

    • Headache

    • Runny nose or nasal congestion

    • Cough

    • Ear ache or ear infection

    • Swelling around the eyes

    • Upper jaw and tooth ache

    • Tenderness around nose, ear, and cheeks

    • Weakness or fatigue

    Personally, sinus headaches make me want to die. I feel like I’m in slow motion. A helicopter sounds like it is just above my head with its choppers going constantly. The pressure mounts in my sinus cavities and fills every whole from my brain to my face. I can’t concentrate on anything and everyday tasks become burdens. I couldn’t imagine dealing with sinus headaches on a regular basis. Nobody wants to go around feeling like that. Life’s hard enough without your head beating like a drum.

    None of those are fun to experience; you have places to be, people to see, and things to do. You can’t afford to be sick for lengthy periods of time. If you’re part of that 30%, then you would probably like to know what you can do to prevent sinus infections from making your life a mess for weeks at a time. Simple activities, using a humidifier, and regularly cleansing nasal passages are a few good ways that can help decrease sinus infection symptoms. These symptoms can also be combated by using a nasal spray to clean, flush, and kill the harmful bacteria out of your nasal passages and sinus cavities.

    Sinus problems can really complicate your daily routine and make life miserable. So plan ahead and don’t get stuck in slow motion from sinus infections.

    Jordan Bartlett is a client account specialist with 10xMarketing– More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about sinus infections please visit Xlear.

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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    How to Treat a Sinus Infection

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    Dealing with a sinus infection is a very painful thing. I know all about the pain that they cause, from the pressure where you feel as if your head was about to explode to the headache that comes along with it. Sometimes I wished that my head would just stop pounding, and that the pressure would subside, but you know what they say about wishing. Once the problem seemed to subside I went out and looked for a natural way to treat a sinus infection, but before I could find one that worked another sinus infection struck. It sometimes happens that way, chronic sinus infections don't ever seem to go away for long before they come right back. Eventually though I was able to find some relief, so what did I find that could treat a sinus infection properly?

    Well, I'll tell you what it wasn't. It sure wasn't one of the drug store potions that they seem to shove at you as soon as you have a problem. Sure, some antibiotics would have helped me to overcome the sinus infection, but they also would have left me wide open for some other problems, like yeast infections, and stronger strains of bacteria that would have been harder to treat the next time. The one thing that I found that really helped me was to use a netipot, or a system of nasal irrigation. You use the netipot to pour water up one of your nostrils and let it stream out the other. This has the effect of deep cleaning your sinus cavities, and getting rid of much of the impacted junk that seems to accumulate.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    A Sinus Infection Home Remedy

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    The pain that a sinus infection can cause to you is almost indescribable. The pressure that feels as if your head is just going to come unglued, along with the headache is a one, two punch that puts most of us down for the count. It's hard to believe when we are suffering from such a thing that our sinuses are actually so beneficial to us. They give our heads and faces their shapes without making the head too heavy, they also cushion and protect the rest of our heads from impact blows to the face. But when they become infected and start to give us trouble all we want is for the pain to go away and sometimes a sinus infection home remedy is the better way to go.

    Some people get sinus infections that come on quickly, are treated and then go away, this is usually known as acute sinus infections. Others get the sinus infection and it just sticks around. They treat it and it seems to go away but it quickly returns. This is what is usually known as a chronic sinus infection. But it really doesn't matter what it is called, or how often it happens all we really want is for the pain to go away, and to stay as far away from us as possible.

    Sinus infections are typically treated by the doctor with antibiotics, but there are some things that you can do naturally, at home to help not only alleviate the problem but to keep it from coming back in the future in some cases. Here is the sinus infection home remedy that I have used in the past. I often have found that when the pressure of a sinus infection seems to come on that warm compresses and a nap are one of the only things that can really help me, but that was before I started to use a nasal irrigation system called a netipot. This little lifesaver worked wonders for me, although it did take a little bit of time before I got really used to the sensation. It basically consists of pouring water up one of your nostrils and letting it come out the other. It cleans out your nasal passages and helps to keep them clear, which goes a long way in keeping the sinus infections away.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    Secrets To Sinus Infection Relief

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    I know that having a sinus infection is a real pain, literally. There are so many problems that go along with having the sinus infection, and it could be that, if treated in the wrong manner that you could end up becoming resistant to the antibiotics that they give you. It also tends to produce a stronger, more resilient strain of the infection because the bacterium breeds from the stronger, remaining strain.

    It typically starts as a pressure that is felt in the forward part of the skull, typically behind the eye sockets and in the cheek bones. This pressure is either accompanied by a splitting headache, or develops into a headache as the pressure builds. It can also cause you to run a fever, have chills, experience pain the jaw and ears as well as causing a chronic cough. The two basic types of sinus infection are chronic and acute. The acute type of sinus infection comes on suddenly and it treated and gone, the chronic just sticks around for a very long time.

    There are plenty of drug store remedies that claim to help you with the sinus infection, but they only tend to treat the symptoms and not to hit the infection where it resides. If you want to treat the infection naturally and experience sinus infection relief then here are some thing that have helped people in the past.

    Many people use nasal irrigation to keep their sinuses clear and to ward off any sinus infections. This is done, typically, by means of a netipot, and if done correctly can be quite soothing. You could also try warm compresses on your face, especially where there is pressure and also some warm liquids, perhaps some herbal tea can help to alleviate the pressure as well.

    Stop your sinus infections quickly and naturally without the use of steroids or drug store potions that just leave you feeling drained. Download our special report at

    Your Natural Sinus Infection Treatment Report is now available for download.

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    Monday, September 10, 2007

    sinus infection

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    natural remedy for sinus infection sinus medicine sign of a sinus infection sphenoid sinus sinus treatment natural cure for sinus infection sinus headache relief sinus pressure relief sudafed non drying sinus natural sinus remedy sinus headache cure cavernous sinus relieve sinus pressure functional endoscopic sinus surgery inappropriate sinus tachycardia sinus symptom ear pressure how to get rid of a sinus infection home remedy for sinus congestion sinus wash sinus ct scan sinus lift eye pain sinus symptom tooth pain sinus

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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    What Causes a Sinus Infection

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    A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, can cause a great deal of pain. It is the result of an inflammation of the sinus or nasal passages or both. When someone has a sinus infection there are several symptoms that will help him or her to recognize that that is what he or she are suffering from. Sinusitis is often accompanied by a feeling of tenderness or pressure around the nose, eyes, cheeks or forehead. Sometimes it is accompanied by headache pain. If you have a sinus infection you may also have a cough, a fever or congestion resulting in discharge from your nose. A sinus infection can come on suddenly and then leave after the correct treatment, lasting a few weeks, or it can be a chronic problem that lasts more than eight weeks at a time with at least four occurrences yearly. Surprisingly most cases of sinusitis are chronic in nature.

    Most people do not know the purpose of the sinuses. They are there to protect the skull. They make it feel lighter as well as to give the voice the ability to echo inside of it. There are four pairs of sinuses that connect the nostrils to the nasal passages. If germs get into any of them it will cause a sinus infection. One way to think of a sinus infection is that it is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses. If all of them are inflamed then it is called pansinusitis.

    The most frequent cause of a sinus infection is the common cold. The cold causes congestion in the nasal passages and this inhibits the drainage of the sinuses and can cause them to become inflamed. But sinusitis can also be caused by flying or scuba diving because of the pressure changes that occur. Pregnancy is another common cause of sinus infection. This is because there are hormonal changes that can cause swelling of the nasal passages and this can result in a sinus infection. Women who use birth control pills, which copy the state of pregnancy by hormone changes, can also experience this problem. Those who are asthma suffers are also at risk for an increased number of sinus issues.

    Treatment for sinus infection is usually the same as most other types of infection. Antibiotics will be prescribed to reduce the infection. As well other medications may be suggested, like nasal sprays, to increase the comfort of the sinusitis sufferer.

    M. Hazman is a Internet Enterpreneuer who own mutiple Niche Websites. The Latest website is Common Infections Learn More about the Facts of Infectious Diseases.

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    Friday, September 7, 2007

    Sinus Allergies - The Basics

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    One of the first things an ENT specialist should check for in persons having chronic sinusitis is whether or not the patient has sinus allergies.

    A diagnosis for sinus allergies can now be done by a blood test, which is much easier than the skin tests that were required in the past. In my case I had weak allergies to several things including dust, dust mites, and certain molds. Although my sinus allergies were not strong, my ENT specialist recommended that I start a series of injections to counter the above allergens (an allergen is an allergy causing substance, for example, dust or dust mites in my case). The doctor said that although he could not be sure if the shots would help much, we should proceed with them because we ought to try everything within our power to overcome my sinus allergies and sinusitis

    I thus received shots weekly for about two years. For the second year it became inconvenient for me to go to the doctor’s office every week for a shot, so I was taught how to give myself the injections. Thereafter I only had to personally go to the doctor’s office about once a quarter to pick up a new batch of serum. At first the thought of giving myself shots seemed a bit revolting, but it really was quite easy to do after one gets the hang of it. I stopped taking the shots after about two years, and I can’t say for certain that they helped. I don’t think they did any harm, however, and I don’t think that sinus allergies are a big factor in my particular situation at present.

    The mechanism for triggering allergies has to do with an over-reaction of a person’s immune system. Certain allergens, which cause no reaction whatsoever in some people, can trigger an overly aggressive immune system response in others. This exaggerated response of the immune system can cause inflammation and result in the release of histamines and other chemicals in the body leading to the creation of excess mucus in the nasal system, then possible blockage and infection.

    Common allergens causing sinus allergies include pollen from trees, grass and weeds, animal dander, feathers, dust, dust mites, molds, mildew, smoke, perfumes, cockroaches, industrial chemicals, insect stings and certain foods, such as milk, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, and chocolate, among others.

    The best solution to avoid triggering sinus allergies is to avoid coming in contact with the specific allergen that affects the individual. As can be seen from the above list, however, that is often impossible. In addition to the injections discussed previously, one can also use nasal irrigation to clean out the nasal passages, and this will provide some help, even if it might be limited. Several articles on the subject of pulsating nasal irrigation can be found at the web site.

    Since 70-80% of people who suffer from sinusitis have allergies, it is important that sinus sufferers get treatment for their sinus allergies. If not, the constant inflammations and soreness can lead to permanent problems, in particular cilia damage, which will only make one’s sinusitis worse in the long run. Sinus allergies can often be treated successfully and improve conditions, even if they don’t eliminate one’s sinus problems entirely, as in my case.

    Walt Ballenberger is founder of a resource web site for sinusitis sufferers like himself. For a free report entitled “Sinus Treatment Success Stories”, visit and click on the Free Report link. This resource can be of significant help to chronic sinus sufferers.

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    Sinus Drainage Bad Breath

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    Have you heard of sinus drainage bad breath? This condition implies that the bad breath is coming from the sinuses; however, that is usually not the case. When draining sinuses contribute to halitosis, the odor is coming from the back of the mouth, just as it does with regular halitosis.

    When there is a problem in a sinus bad breath results for a very simple reason: drainage from the sinus runs down the back of the throat and onto the very back of the tongue. The drainage is a rich source of protein because it contains dead sinus cells that have sloughed off, blood cells, pus cells, and other molecules produced by the body. These are the exact things that oral bacteria like to use for nutrients. With a steady food supply from sinus drainage bad breath increases with the increase of bacteria.

    The bacteria that are particularly known for producing sinus drainage bad breath, and other bad breath as well, are anaerobes, meaning that they live in an oxygen free environment. They cannot withstand significant amounts of oxygen - the back of the tongue is a perfect place for them to hide. They get down in the little grooves between tongue papillae and taste buds, and just wait for food to come to them. When it does, they take what they need and produce foul smelling volatile sulfur compounds as an accidental byproduct of metabolism. Unfortunately for the person with an inflamed sinus bad breath is the final result.

    The good thing is that treating sinus drainage bad breath is really no different from treating any other type of bad breath. Many people suffer from post nasal drip, which essentially produces the same type of sinus bad breath. Bad breath products that work for regular bad breath will work just as well for these situations. Of course, a product that works by decreasing the population of anaerobes living at the back of the tongue will be the most effective. Look for oral care products that are antibacterial in some way - they may physically remove tongue bacteria or they may kill them. Either should help decrease the odor on your breath and allow you to focus on alleviating the discomfort of the sinus problem, instead of worrying about your sinus drainage bad breath.

    R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

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    Thursday, September 6, 2007

    How To Relieve Sinus Pressure

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    Swollen, inflamed sinuses are, to put it mildly, very uncomfortable. Sinuses get infected and inflamed through various means. Sinusitis is caused by allergies to something in the air we breath or even to the food we eat. Finding out what is causing the infection is the province of ear, nose, and throat specialists. Sometimes weather is a factor. How to effectively get relief is the subject of this article.

    One of the things to do is to go on a minimal liquid diet or a water fast to see if the infection is caused by something in the diet. If you get relief then you know it is something that you are ingesting. Slowly resume your normal diet by adding a few foods at a time until you find the cause or go to an allergist for him/her to find the cause.

    A good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement is also a good idea with additional vitamin C and vitamin A. See a health practitioner for other vitamin/mineral suggestions. Proper digestion and the elimination of stress(as much as possible) is also suggested.

    There are also some herbal remedies that sometimes work very well depending on the person. Some of these are: goldenseal, yarrow, garlic and elderflowers. These can be purchased at most health food stores as a tincture. There are many herbal formulas that are also available from the same source.

    One of my favorite, immediate relief of symptoms of sinus congestion is the use of aromatherapy. A mixture of a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils on a tissue and sniffed sometimes offer great, immediate relief, while waiting on sinus decongestants to kick in.

    Another favorite method is to inhale steam by bending over boiling water with a towel around your head to 'catch' the steam.

    These methods are not intended to replace normal medical care by your health care provider but to supplement their care or to provide relief until your next office visit. I hope that one of these methods or a combination of them will provide you with a measure of relief.

    Bill is a webmaster and writer Go to this site for more sinus health secrets and tips.

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    Wednesday, September 5, 2007

    Recurring Sinus Infection - An Explanation?

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    As part of our efforts to chronicle the experiences of sinusitis sufferers, a gentleman named Carlton contributed a “Sinusitis Treatment Success” story.

    He pointed out a study conducted by the Mayo clinic and the University of Buffalo addressing the issue of recurring sinus infection. It states that "chronic sinusitis is an immune disorder caused by fungus." I asked Carlton in a follow-up email if he had tested positive for fungi in previous allergy tests, and here is his response:

    “Hello Walt: I had 2 different allergy tests, both negative. The Mayo/U. of Buffalo research says this is not an allergic reaction like a pollen allergy, so it wouldn't show up in an allergy test. It's an over reaction to fungus by T-cells that damage the sinus lining and gives bacteria a place to grow. Most people have no reaction, but most people with chronic sinusitis do. Apparently there is a test, but ENT's are skeptical. Mine said the fungus idea was false and suggested surgery. If I was cynical, I might think his opinion was because there's no surgical solution. This is leading edge stuff. Mayo received a patent on anti-fungal treatments. I decided to try this approach after everything else failed. I don't want surgery, because I've never heard of one that worked. I'll let you know how it goes, but so far, I feel much better. Carlton”

    Huge Implications in the Study Results There are huge implications in this study for those who suffer from recurring sinus infection. This work could lead to treatments that treat the root cause of the problem for the first time.

    Another article in the Health Solutions Newsletter of Sept 2005 also referred to the Mayo Clinic/U. of Buffalo study and adds further clarification. Their article was entitled “Mayo Clinic Announces Startling New Sinus Discovery” “Jens Panikau, sinus researcher at Mayo Clinic, has published a new finding that explains why sinus disease persists despite so many new drugs. Dr Panikau found that the main cause of sinus symptoms was that the eosinophiles – your special cells that defend your body against infection, - get into the mucus and produce a toxic product called MBP that is made in order to kill bacteria. Unfortunately, among sinus sufferers, there is an excess of this MBP in the mucus that also damages the cells of the nose and impairs its ability to sweep bacteria out of the nose. Dr Panikau shows that it is the MBP that makes the patient sick, with fever, pain, fatigue, and secondary infections.”

    Anyone who suffers from recurring sinus infection issues and who cannot find adequate relief after treatment by an otolaryngologist or after unsuccessful surgery are urged to do what Carlton has done:
    1. Start using pulsating nasal irrigation to cleanse the nose of crusty old mucus which could be carrying toxins.
    2. Test your environment to see if you are exposed to high levels of fungus.
    3. If the tests are positive for fungus, try to improve your environment to lower the amount of fungus you are exposed to. There are numerous books and articles which address this subject.

    Hopefully the follow-on work of the Mayo Clinic and University of Buffalo will identify antifungal treatments that can finally go after the root cause of recurring sinus infection. Sinus sufferers should be aware of these research efforts and be ready to discuss these findings with their ENT specialists. Maybe serious help is finally on the way.

    Walt Ballenberger is founder of To find out more about how to test for fungus levels and using pulsating nasal irrigation, get a free report entitled “Sinus Treatment Success Stories” by visiting and click on the Free Report link.

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